Devlog Week 13

This week was spent mostly prototyping an interaction system. Here’s a full list of what I’d done 1 – Narrative Design Course I followed a few video lessons from Unreal Engine 5 Visual Novel and Narrative Design . It’s not exactly what I’m aiming for, but it shows enough of the basics and tools. I realized it is much more different than what I […]

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Devlog Week 12

Hello this is the devlog for week 12. I worked on a bunch of things, listed below. 1 – Blockout of a traditional stone and clay house to check scale and placement, and to also understand the architecture. I’m happy with the shapes and overall design, I’ll leave this aside for now and blockout other houses before making any final detailed assets. It was […]

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Devlog Week 11

There week is more tell than show, since most of it was spent on research and documentation and following courses. To keep things short, here’s a list of what I’ve done last week: And finally have a sketch of a robotic hand. I’m just making sure the motion range is good before I detail it more. I need more research about robotic joints and […]

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Devlog Week 10

Models This week was mostly spent making 47 unique models of utensils and crockery, and about 100 with the variations. The are split into 3 sets, each set sharing one 4K texture set (will be downscaled in the engine to 2K later). About 500 triangles on average per model, but some are given more than others depending on shape complexity and whether I want […]

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Devlog Week #9

Models This is the first set of utensils I have planned. The set uses 6,490 Triangles total, and shares one 4K texture set. They’re probably too detailed for environment use, but I’m not bothering with manual LoDing right now, if I even need to manually do that, since they’re only used in interiors anyway. Materials: I made a pretty basic wind displacement shader. It’s […]

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DevLog Dump (Weeks 0-8)

Hello world! This is my first blog post. I am currently working full-time on a personal game project, and I will be sharing dev logs here. I will share more details about the game when I have something presentable, but for now it’s just a bit of experiments, props and world building.This is a recap of my devlog for Weeks 0-8. To keep things […]

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