Devlog Week 57-58

I’m going to take a break from the main game from now to work on side projects for a few weeks. Mainly portfolio pieces and experiment with Unreal Engine more. In the meantime here’s what I did the past two weeks. Mini Game Prototype: Husky Drift I had this silly idea of a husky drifting a car. I had purchased the model a while […]

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Devlog Week 55-56

Glitches and corruptions I was messin around in Unreal, and while switching between Lumen and baked lighting the textures appeared corrupt. It looked good with the dream ASCII filter on top. And I thought a bit about replicating the effect. The first thing that came to mind was to corrupt a PNG file by altering one of the bytes in the beginning, and it […]

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Devlog Week 53-54

Last devlog of the year. Here’s what I did the past 2 weeks. Blockouts I worked a bit on the starting area of the game. The area is relatively modern compared to the rest, so the roads are paved and accessible by cars, and the buildings are modern. The player will wake up in a clinic, so I also included the room with it. […]

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Devlog Week 51-52

This week I experimented a bit on character clothing, added some character AI behaviors, and improved the greetings/chatter system. Here’s a detailed explanation. Character Clothing I experimented more with Marvelous designer and made a “real” scenario. I made the entire thing in Marvelous designer (so no manual sculpting), and got a lot more familiar with sewing patterns and styling. I textured it quickly in […]

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Devlog Week 46-50

It’s been a while since my last devlog. I took 3 weeks of vacation. I visited Ankara and Istanbul in Turkey, spent a few days with parents, and took a few relaxed days too. I’ll be back to work at full capacity starting from this Monday. In the meantime here’s a summary of what I did. Marvelous Designer Trial I am going to make […]

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Devlog Week 44-45

Here’s a summary of what I did in the last two weeks Art I wanted to make a dark/cinematic/creepy render with the robot model, so I did. I used foliage from Megascans, and most of the other stuff aside from the watch tower is from old models. I rendered it in Unreal instead of blender this time as an exercise, and I’m satisfied with […]

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Devlog Week 42-43

Bevel baker I made a one-click bevel baking tool for Blender. It will be useful for models that don’t have a highpoly version. I made it by modifying one of my addons (Grungit).I didn’t test it extensively yet, that will happen when I actually start using it Robot Head 2 I made another robot head for adverts and posters and other stuff in the […]

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Devlog Week 40-41

Robot Model I added some final touches for the robot texture, and also added an armature and weights I made up another brand for lore resons : What would a robotic/tech company in the 80’s be named? Preferably one from Eastern Europe/west Aisia and the Slavic region. It had to be related to something that conveys trust and also shows that the goal is […]

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Devlog Week 38-39

From now on I’ll keep the devlogs bi-weekly. There are many uninteresting things that aren’t worth showing, and also a lot of behind the curtains work that I won’t show. Things like story writing, experiments, networking, research, courses, paperwork…etc. This devlog is fairly short, here’s a summary Robot Model Low Poly + Texture This took the majority of a week to finish. There were […]

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Devlog Week 37

Here’s what I did this week Blockout I worked more on the village blockout. I used a combination of Unreal Spline tools and Blender Geometry Nodes. It’s still a rough blockout, but I’m happy with the overall vibe. I also did some performance tests on the Steam Deck, and I was getting 70+ with no optimization. I always keep underestimating its performance. Debug movement […]

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