Devlog Week 23

Here’s a summary of what I did this week Materials I made a few materials for a train station environment. The first material is a broken tiles material. The material was created in Substance Designer. I exported two variants for Unreal Engine (normal + broken), as well as a mask texture for color setting. Combined with vertex painting, I could control which areas are […]

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Devlog week 22

Here’s a summary of what I did this week: sketches and blockouts I worked a bit on the torso and legs for the robot model. I spent a disproportionate amount of time on the hip joint compared to the rest of the model, but I’m happy with the overall look. I’ll remodel it later with higher details and quality. I also focused a little […]

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Devlog Week 21

Another week another Devlog. There isn’t much to show off this week, a lot of it is related to NPC stories and the story of the game, which I obviously won’t spoil, but here’s a short summary Story writing All I can say is that I have a draft for the main NPCs that progress the story, and also another draft for the major […]

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Devlog Week 20

This week’s devlog is a bit short, I got busy with some personal stuff IRL and had to push some tasks to the next week. Interaction System (Continued) I continued working more on the NPC interaction system, I did some performance tests and added some features. Here’s a short list of what I did : Robot Head Design I am finally happy with a […]

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Devlog Week 19

Here’s a summary of the game devlog for the 19th week. Interaction System I continued working on the interaction system and adding more features to it. I made a few small tests to showcase individual features, but I also made a more complete “real-life” example showing a portion of what’s possible to achieve at the moment. In the video above, I demonstrated how NPCs […]

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Devlog Week 18

Hello all. This week was spent mostly on technical stuff and programming, but I did make one simple 3D model too. Here’s a detailed list of what I did: Crowbar 3D Model 1- I made a simple 3D model of a crowbar, it’s 288 Triangles total. I wanted it to be a reference to the half-life series. I also used the blueprints I made […]

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Devlog Week 17

Here’s a summary of week 17: 1- I added debris and dirt to the main train material. It has 4 layers : cigarette butts, small pieces of paper, bigger pieces of paper, and dirt. It uses RGBA vertex colors for masking 2- I programmed some basic “interactive” environment props, like doors opening when you approach them, and cameras looking at the player. They weren’t […]

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Devlog week 16

This week I experimented a bit more with dream mechanics and visuals. Since those will be a significant enough part of the game and story, I am giving it some attention it deserves. One of the main aspects of dreams is inconsistency : layouts don’t make sense, you don’t remember how you got there, some objects appear and disappear when you’re not looking, signs […]

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Devlog Week 15

Another week, another devlog! Here’s what I did this week: For legal (and also non-legal) reasons, all the above was a (sad) joke. Here’s the real devlog instead: 1- Oasis Dream Level I started experimenting with dream sequences, since dreams are going to be a significant enough part of the story. I made blockouts and basic gameplay prototype of two scenes. The first scene […]

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Devlog Week 14

Here’s a list of what I did this week 1- I made a typewriter model, this one is based on the Underwood Universal Typewriter 1938. It has 6K triangles and one 4K Texture (which I downscaled to 2K in the engine), a bit high poly than the rest, because it’s can be used in medium or close-up shots. Modeled, UV’d and rendered in Blender, […]

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