Devlog Week 37

Here’s what I did this week


I worked more on the village blockout. I used a combination of Unreal Spline tools and Blender Geometry Nodes. It’s still a rough blockout, but I’m happy with the overall vibe.

I also did some performance tests on the Steam Deck, and I was getting 70+ with no optimization. I always keep underestimating its performance.

Debug movement

Traversing a large map during gameplay can be tedious, so I implemented two movement methods for the player. The first one launches the player toward the sky, and the second toward where the camera is looking.

Debug Movement

Textile Material

I made a textile material in Substance Designer. It will be useful for carpets and other kinds of fabric. It takes an input image, and I can adjust noisiness and color irregularity and saturation and such.

Block Breaker Mini Game

I only had my laptop with me the last few days, so I thought it was the perfect opportunity to work on a mini game. I chose a block breaker game because it’s one of the simplest to implement.
The art is very basic at the moment. I’m aiming for an 80’s arcade game style, but it’s this is low priority and I just focused on the mechanics and practiced programming a bit more.

The game features a score system, power-ups (increase/decrease ball and pad speed, super strength mode, add 1 or 2 extra balls), brick strength (how many hits it needs to break)

Breakout Gameplay

It can even have extra paddles from any side for the harder levels. Just having open ends on both sides makes it significantly harder.

Two paddles for harder difficulty

That’s all for this week. I hope to see you again in the next week

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